
Disclosure made according to the requirements of Article 14 of the law of 2 May 2007

Aalst-Erembodegem (Belgium), 7 August 2014 – Ontex Group NV (“Ontex”) discloses the notification of significant shareholdings that it has received according to the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of significant shareholdings in listed companies.

On 4 August 2014, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and TPG Group Holdings (SBS) Advisors, Inc., and their affiliated entity Whitehaven B S.à r.l., and former/current members of the executive management team of Ontex, notified Ontex that they had, on an aggregate basis, as a result of sales of shares, crossed the threshold of 55%, to 51.02%.

According to its obligation Ontex publishes the content of the notification that it has received.

Please find the full publication below:


Catherine Weyne

Phone: +32 53 33 36 22

Geoffroy Raskin