
Right from the beginning, Ontex has been driven by an entrepreneurial spirit – the desire to challenge the status quo and make a real difference.

You need motivated and visionary leaders to turn ideas into success, to drive a company forward to the next level of success. Our leadership teams are doing just that.

Meet our Board and the Executive Management Committee

Corporate Governance

We know that we are judged by our integrity and trustworthiness as much as by our financial performance.

In June 2014, Ontex adopted its Corporate Governance Charter. It was amended in October 2020 to reflect the principles of the 2020 Belgian Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) and most recently in March 2023 to reflect the dissolution of the Strategy Committee. The Charter is reviewed annually by the Board to ensure that it remains in line with the Code and applicable guidance and best practices.

In May 2023, our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approved our current Remuneration Policy.

Articles of AssociationArticles of Association (Dutch language)Remuneration PolicyRemuneration Policy (Dutch language)Corporate Governance CharterCorporate Governance Charter (Dutch language)

Audit and Risk Committee
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Strategy Committee

The strategy committee was dissolved at the end of 2022.

Shareholder structure

Number of voting rights
Date threshold cross
Groupe Bruxelles Lambert
ENA Investment Capital LLC
The Pamajugo Irrevocable Trust
Mr. Joannes G.H.M. Niessen and Mont Cervin SARL
Black Creek Investment Management Inc.

1. Shareholder

2. Number of voting rights and equivalent financial instruments as a % of total shares outstanding

3. Date threshold cross

To monitor the value of Ontex’s shares, please refer to Euronext Brussels’ website.
Symbol: ONTEX
Ontex Group NV listed on Euronext Brussels on June 25, 2014
Code ISIN: BE0974276082
Number of outstanding shares as of March 27, 2017: 82,347,218


Shareholding declaration obligation

In application of the Belgian law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of significant shareholdings in issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and containing various provisions, implementing in Belgian law Directive 2004/109/EC,

shareholders whose stake in Ontex Group NV’s capital crosses the threshold of 3%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and each successive multiple of 5%, in either direction, are required to notify the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) ([email protected]) and Ontex ([email protected]).

Ontex results and reports