
& Donations procedures

When donating goods, Ontex follows the guiding principles below. The donation protocol is only valid for products we have produced. Products such as gloves, which we do not produce, are out of scope as we bring caregivers into contact with our suppliers who can procure the goods for them.

Who we donate to

The donations we make have a local scope and are aimed at vulnerable groups in society. Think about organizations supporting:

  • Elderly people in poverty.
  • Families having financial difficulties to purchase diapers or femcare products.
  • People in refugee camps.
  • People who are ill (and their families).
  • Homeless people.

Each organization needs to sign a contract with us to ensure the goods arrive at the right place.

If you have a request for personal hygiene products produced by Ontex, please contact:
[email protected]

We ask for your patience. There may be a delay in our response due to the number of requests coming in.

Our Donations stories


To support people struck by a devastating series of earthquakes, Ontex Turkey is sending personal care goods with the help of its local humanitarian aid partner AKUT.

Dourges, France

To support people in need, Ontex France donated 40,000 personal hygiene products to the Red Cross in Northern France.


Just like last year, the Ontex team in Poland asked children from local orphanages to write a letter to Santa Claus. They received 41 letters from 3 care and educational institutions in the surrounding towns. On December 6 and 19, the local Ontex Santa Clauses, accompanied by their helpers, went to the facilities and made many of the wishes of the children come true.

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

A charity called Helping Mamas recently held a diaper drive contest across Georgia in the United States. Employees from Ontex’s Atlanta office helped unload donations, sort and stack diapers by size, and pack care packages for young moms in need. Many thanks to all the employees in Atlanta and the Ontex plant in Stokesdale, North Carolina, for their help and support.

Bruges, Belgium

The Ontex plant in Eeklo, Belgium donated 20,000 menstrual hygiene pads to a school in the city of Bruges. The pads will be distributed to girls in need.