
& Donations procedures

When donating goods, Ontex follows the guiding principles below. The donation protocol is only valid for products we have produced. Products such as gloves, which we do not produce, are out of scope as we bring caregivers into contact with our suppliers who can procure the goods for them.

Who we donate to

The donations we make have a local scope and are aimed at vulnerable groups in society. Think about organizations supporting:

  • Elderly people in poverty.
  • Families having financial difficulties to purchase diapers or femcare products.
  • People in refugee camps.
  • People who are ill (and their families).
  • Homeless people.

Each organization needs to sign a contract with us to ensure the goods arrive at the right place.

If you have a request for personal hygiene products produced by Ontex, please contact:
[email protected]

We ask for your patience. There may be a delay in our response due to the number of requests coming in.

Our donation stories

Belgium, 10/2021

Charity 4dewereldgroep Aalst in Belgium received 7,500 face masks from our Executive Vice President Innovaton and Sustainability, Annick De Poorter on October 14th. The charity specializes in improving the life of people in poverty by providing support, insights and advocacy from people in similar situations.

Mexico 09/2021

Ontex Mexico delivered 80,000 Mía feminine care products to women in vulnerable situations through  local charities Reinserta, La Cana and Ayuda Org.

Mía, a unique brand in Mexico specially for heavy flows, will donate fem pads to support around 3,000 women through these 3 Civil Society Associations until December 2021. More information about the campaign:

Poland 08/2021

Ontex Poland donated more than 146,000 baby diapers to local institutions supporting families and children in need during the summer of 2021.

The baby diapers were donated to the Association for Disabled People Koniczynka in the city of Radomsko, the Polish Red Cross in Radomsko, 3 childcare homes in the cities of Częstochowa, Piotrków Trybunalski and Warsaw and 3 hospices for Children in the cities of Kraków and Łódź, Donations also went to the Family Service Foundation Fundation Gajusz in the city of Łódź, association Szlachetna paczka in the city of Cracow and the Belchakov land Association.

Belgium, 07/2021 & Germany, 07/2021

To continue helping people affected by the floods that swept through Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands in July of 2021, we transported 300,000 feminine hygiene products to the Red Cross in Liège, Belgium. By providing our products, we hope we can help guarantee dignity, comfort and hygiene to all people in need, who were already heavily impacted by the pandemic. Our thoughts continue to go out to everyone and we want to thank all aid workers for their efforts.

Puebla, Mexico 06/2021

In June 2021, the food bank of Puebla, Mexico thanked Ontex for its donation of thousands of personal hygiene products to people in need during the pandemic.