Press ReleaseRegulated Information



Ontex: Transparency Declaration Notification

August 11, 2020

Disclosure made according to the requirements of Article 14 of the law of 2 May 2007

Aalst-Erembodegem (Belgium), August 11, 2020 – Ontex Group NV (“Ontex”) discloses the notification of significant shareholdings that it has received according to the Belgian Law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of significant shareholdings in listed companies.

On August 6, 2020, Bank of America Corporation notified Ontex that as a result of the disposal of financial instruments that are treated as voting securities, it has crossed below the threshold of 3.00% of the total number of voting rights in Ontex on July 31, 2020.

On August 7, 2020, DWS Investment GmbH notified Ontex that it holds, as a result of the acquisition of voting securities and equivalent financial instruments, 2,641,340 voting rights in Ontex that may be acquired if the instruments are exercised, and so has crossed above the threshold of 3.00% of the total number of voting rights in Ontex on August 4, 2020 to 3.21%.

According to its obligation Ontex publishes the content of the notifications that it has received.

Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of financial instruments that are treated as voting securities, and the downward crossing of the lowest threshold.

Notification by: A parent undertaking or a controlling person

Persons subject to the notification requirement:


Bank of America Corporation Wilmington, DE (United States)


Date of Notification: August 6, 2020

Date Threshold Crossed: July 31, 2020

Threshold Crossed: 3.00%

Denominator on the date of notification: 82,347,218 shares

Voting rights and assimilated financial instruments:

Notification of August 6, 2020:


(A) Voting rights Previous notification After the transaction
# voting rights # voting rights % of voting rights
Holders of

voting rights

Linked to


Not linked

to securities

Linked to


Not linked

to securities

Bank of America Corporation 0
BofA Securities Europe SA 289,094
Total 289,094  


(B) Equivalent financial instruments After the transaction
Holders of equivalent
financial instruments
Type of



Expiration date Exercise period or date # of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised % of voting rights Settlement


  # voting rights % of voting rights
TOTAL (A + B)    


Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held

BofA Securities Europe SA is controlled by “Bank of America Corporation” (see enclosure).

Bank of America Corporation is not a controlled entity.

Additional information

The trigger for the notification is due to the trading book holding going below the 5% exemption.

Moreover the total holdings of Bank of America Corporation (Total A&B) has fallen below the lowest threshold of 3%


* * * *


Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights

Notification by: A person that notifies alone

Persons subject to the notification requirement:


DWS Investment GmbH Mainzer Landstraße 11-17, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Date of Notification: August 7, 2020

Date Threshold Crossed: August 4, 2020

Threshold Crossed: 3.00%

Denominator on the date of notification: 82,347,218 shares

Voting rights and assimilated financial instruments:

Notification of August 7, 2020:


(A) Voting rights Previous notification After the transaction
# voting rights # voting rights % of voting rights
Holders of

voting rights

Linked to


Not linked

to securities

Linked to


Not linked

to securities

DWS Investment GmbH 2,236,451 2,616,340 0 3.18% 0.00%
Total 2,236,451 2,616,340 0 3.18% 0.00%


(B) Equivalent financial instruments After the transaction
Holders of equivalent
financial instruments
Type of



Expiration date Exercise period or date # of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised % of voting rights Settlement
DWS Investment GmbH Right to Recall 25,000 0.03% physical
TOTAL       25,000 0.03%  


  # voting rights % of voting rights
TOTAL (A + B) 2,641,340 3.21%



Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held

DWS Investment GmbH is not a controlled entity.

Additional information

DWS Investment GmbH is an investment firm and can exercise the voting rights attached to the shares at its discretion in the absence of specific instructions.

Notifications of significant shareholdings to be made according to the Law of 2 May 2007 should be sent to: [email protected]


Maarten Verbanck

Phone: +32 53 33 36 20

Geoffroy Raskin